The book of John chronicles well the miracles of Jesus. But John also takes his writing a step further and focuses in on the metaphors of Christ. As you read through John, you will notice terms like "born again" and "living water." In John 6 we will know Jesus as "the Bread of Life."
John 6 opens with the feeding of the five thousand. This miracle parallels the Old Testament when God provided manna for the Israelites in the desert. The masses of people loved Him as He fed them with all they desired--and with twelve baskets full of leftovers! They exclaimed, "This is indeed the Prophet who is to come into the world!" (v. 14) God can and will provide food for hungry people, but even greater than that is the true food that feeds our souls for eternity.
The disciples alone witness Jesus walking on the water in the evening after the crowds were fed. But the multitudes were intrigued by the Lord and wanted to know how He got across the sea when He had taken no boat. Jesus soberly redirects the conversation in verses 26 and 27 when He says, "Truly, truly, I say to you, you are seeking me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of the loaves. Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life which the Son of Man will give to you..." The people ask Him how to do the works of God. Jesus says to "believe on the One who was sent"... The people ask for signs and works from Him so they can believe, mentioning the manna that their forefathers ate in the wilderness. Keep in mind they were just miraculously fed the day before from two fish and five loaves! I sometimes wonder if they were just hungry again and wanted Jesus to produce more bread.
The text that follows is powerful. Jesus Christ gives account of God the Father providing true bread from heaven that gives life to the world. The people ask for this bread, but they still are hard of heart. They cannot hear the message that Christ is revealing to them because they are focused on fleshly comforts. Jesus speaks to the heart. Verse 48-51, "I am the bread of life. Your fathers ate manna in the wilderness, and they died. This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die...And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh." In verse 56, He expresses that those that eat and drink His body and blood abide in Him. Abiding means living as a part of something else. As the vine and branches abide in one another.
But remember what all this is about: "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life."(v.63) As Jesus teaches His followers about the true food and true drink that His body and blood provides, He is foreshadowing His death on the cross, that the sins of those who believe would be forgiven, and they would receive eternal life. Furthermore, Jesus knew that some would not believe as He stressed, " one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father." Many disciples turned back at this point, a far cry from the response Jesus received at the beginning of the chapter when He met physical needs.
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." (Matthew 5:6)
Friday, November 30, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
I shared my heart today with my girls, my eighth grade Sunday school girls, as I do every time I teach. It is hard to know how much they get from it. I know I teach way above their heads sometimes, but I am only there out of obedience to what the Lord would have me do. I am, in a sense, there as John the Baptist for them. To prepare the way for the Lord. And I deliver the Word to them, and sometimes we have some fun. But mostly, I am just nervously sweating and losing my place and finding my place(!) and sharing theology. Things like "justification" and "substitutionary atonement." Things I wish I'd learned in Sunday school. We have been working on memorizing John 1:1-18 for a year and a half! (I'm not sure they're doing their homework.) And we are going to try out a mother-daughter book study this fall. I feel blessed to be a part of all of it.
This morning, I shared briefly how the things that define me now are much different than the desires I had when I was young. I never thought of marriage or children as a very good plan for my future. I was selfish and simple. But God worked on me with a chisel. He blessed me with an amazing husband and four adorable children. And as He sanctified me, He also saved me and then blessed me some more. I consider David and John Armour to be an Ebenezer to me--marking the place in my life where I can look back and see how far He's brought me never to return. They came to me as a covenant, marking the transformation of my heart.
I didn't tell the girls all of this, but I did tell them that I would never have chosen to stand in front of them to teach. Never in a million years! Teach middle school girls? Ack! But I am facing my fears and loving the opportunity to serve my Savior in obedience to his great commission.
This morning, I shared briefly how the things that define me now are much different than the desires I had when I was young. I never thought of marriage or children as a very good plan for my future. I was selfish and simple. But God worked on me with a chisel. He blessed me with an amazing husband and four adorable children. And as He sanctified me, He also saved me and then blessed me some more. I consider David and John Armour to be an Ebenezer to me--marking the place in my life where I can look back and see how far He's brought me never to return. They came to me as a covenant, marking the transformation of my heart.
I didn't tell the girls all of this, but I did tell them that I would never have chosen to stand in front of them to teach. Never in a million years! Teach middle school girls? Ack! But I am facing my fears and loving the opportunity to serve my Savior in obedience to his great commission.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
What is clean?
Here is Environmental Working Group's shoppers' guide to pesticides in produce.
This list is certainly helpful to make good choices on a tight grocery budget, but I find of great comfort the first words that eating fruits and vegs far outweigh the risks of exposure to pesticides. With that in mind, don't eat in doubt, meaning God has given us wisdom to make the best choices for our children, but He has also made ALL things clean. Therefore we are not to live in fear, but to live victoriously as those set free from the yoke of slavery to sin! Sin still rules this world, and we are therefore still subject to its effects, but our hearts can be set free. Let this be a reminder, as it is to me, that the hearts of our children are of utmost importance. Directing them in the ways of God must rule over the health of their bodies, their education, their activities, etc. Be blessed by the Truth that sets us free from ourselves!
Romans 14:14
14 I know and am convinced in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself; but to him who thinks anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean.
Matthew 15:11
11 “It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man.”
Mark 7:18,19b
Do you not understand that whatever goes into the man from outside cannot defile him,
19 because it does not go into his heart, but into his stomach, and is eliminated?” (Thus He declared all foods clean.)
1 Timothy 4:4
4 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude;
This list is certainly helpful to make good choices on a tight grocery budget, but I find of great comfort the first words that eating fruits and vegs far outweigh the risks of exposure to pesticides. With that in mind, don't eat in doubt, meaning God has given us wisdom to make the best choices for our children, but He has also made ALL things clean. Therefore we are not to live in fear, but to live victoriously as those set free from the yoke of slavery to sin! Sin still rules this world, and we are therefore still subject to its effects, but our hearts can be set free. Let this be a reminder, as it is to me, that the hearts of our children are of utmost importance. Directing them in the ways of God must rule over the health of their bodies, their education, their activities, etc. Be blessed by the Truth that sets us free from ourselves!
Romans 14:14
14 I know and am convinced in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself; but to him who thinks anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean.
Matthew 15:11
11 “It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man.”
Mark 7:18,19b
Do you not understand that whatever goes into the man from outside cannot defile him,
19 because it does not go into his heart, but into his stomach, and is eliminated?” (Thus He declared all foods clean.)
1 Timothy 4:4
4 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude;
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Right Thinking = Right Living!
A. It all started with God, Gen 1:1
1. God created the world AND time.
2. He is eternal= having no beginning or end.
3. The Hebrew name of God here is Elohim= plural form of El, means "Strong One." (plural is significant of the triune God-Father, Son, Holy Spirit)
B. God spoke all things into being, Gen 1:2-3
1. "Ex Nihilo" is Latin meaning "from nothing" referring to HOW God created the world.
2. Consider the complexity of the world around us, and the universe...Now consider the incredible design of the human eye which has over 2 million working parts.
**All creation points to the sovereignty of God, meaning He is in control of EVERYTHING**
C. God created all things, Gen 1:4-25
1. There is order in His creation
->disorder and chaos are not of God; these things come out of a world corrupted by sin.
2. In six days He created everything, and He rested on the seventh day.
Day 1: Heavens and earth, darkness and light
-> notice there was first darkness, and then God made light (without the sun!)
Day 2: Heaven/sky
Day 3: Dry land, oceans, plants
Day 4: Sun, moon, stars
Day 5: Air and water animals
Day 6: Land animals and people
-> Consider when and how God created mankind...
-> We were created last, yet most important to the purpose of God's plan for creation, and ultimately salvation!
-> We are the only part of creation made in the image of God.
-> God gave Adam dominion over the earth.
-> All of God's creation was made to bring Him glory; therefore we were made to glorify God.
A. It all started with God, Gen 1:1
1. God created the world AND time.
2. He is eternal= having no beginning or end.
3. The Hebrew name of God here is Elohim= plural form of El, means "Strong One." (plural is significant of the triune God-Father, Son, Holy Spirit)
B. God spoke all things into being, Gen 1:2-3
1. "Ex Nihilo" is Latin meaning "from nothing" referring to HOW God created the world.
2. Consider the complexity of the world around us, and the universe...Now consider the incredible design of the human eye which has over 2 million working parts.
**All creation points to the sovereignty of God, meaning He is in control of EVERYTHING**
C. God created all things, Gen 1:4-25
1. There is order in His creation
->disorder and chaos are not of God; these things come out of a world corrupted by sin.
2. In six days He created everything, and He rested on the seventh day.
Day 1: Heavens and earth, darkness and light
-> notice there was first darkness, and then God made light (without the sun!)
Day 2: Heaven/sky
Day 3: Dry land, oceans, plants
Day 4: Sun, moon, stars
Day 5: Air and water animals
Day 6: Land animals and people
-> Consider when and how God created mankind...
-> We were created last, yet most important to the purpose of God's plan for creation, and ultimately salvation!
-> We are the only part of creation made in the image of God.
-> God gave Adam dominion over the earth.
-> All of God's creation was made to bring Him glory; therefore we were made to glorify God.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Life Through Forgiveness
Why is there death in the world?
Sin and death came because of Adam's rebellion against God.
Picture of two Adams: (1 Corin. 15:21,22) 1st Adam=disobedience brought death, 2nd Adam (Christ)=obedience brought life
A. Our rebellion leads to death (Romans 5:12-14)
-Death entered the world through sin. God killed the first animals to cover Adam's sin!
-Sin was not there in the beginning; the beginning was God's perfect creation.
->Adam experienced this and shared an amazing relationship with God.
-Adam disobeyed God, and through his rebellion sin entered the world.
-Death entered because of sin and by our sinful nature we are separated from God.
**we inherited the sinful nature of Adam**
B. Our rejection of God's grace leads to death (Romans 5:15-21)
-free gift= God's grace
-trespass= Adam's first sin; a purposeful action
-grace of God= unmerited/undeserved favor
-judgment= negative end result
-condemnation= found guilty
-justification= declared righteous or innocent
The Mosaic law was established to bring sin to light. Without the law, there was nothing by which to compare sin.
**The law has been fulfilled in Christ so that we no longer live by it, but live by Christ**
C. Our selfish desires lead to sin which leads to death (Jas 1:13-15)
-James was the brother of Jesus who later became His disciple.
-God does not tempt us to sin; temptation stems from our own selfish desires.
-As sin becomes a lifestyle choice and is unconfessed, the unrepentant person is separating themselves from God!
D. Our forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ leads to life everlasting!
(Romans 5:21, Philippians 2:8) Christ humbled himself by being obedient to the point of death...
-Christ took on death without sinning!
-We can deal with all our sin by confessing (speaking it to God) and repenting (turning from it).
Sin and death came because of Adam's rebellion against God.
Picture of two Adams: (1 Corin. 15:21,22) 1st Adam=disobedience brought death, 2nd Adam (Christ)=obedience brought life
A. Our rebellion leads to death (Romans 5:12-14)
-Death entered the world through sin. God killed the first animals to cover Adam's sin!
-Sin was not there in the beginning; the beginning was God's perfect creation.
->Adam experienced this and shared an amazing relationship with God.
-Adam disobeyed God, and through his rebellion sin entered the world.
-Death entered because of sin and by our sinful nature we are separated from God.
**we inherited the sinful nature of Adam**
B. Our rejection of God's grace leads to death (Romans 5:15-21)
-free gift= God's grace
-trespass= Adam's first sin; a purposeful action
-grace of God= unmerited/undeserved favor
-judgment= negative end result
-condemnation= found guilty
-justification= declared righteous or innocent
The Mosaic law was established to bring sin to light. Without the law, there was nothing by which to compare sin.
**The law has been fulfilled in Christ so that we no longer live by it, but live by Christ**
C. Our selfish desires lead to sin which leads to death (Jas 1:13-15)
-James was the brother of Jesus who later became His disciple.
-God does not tempt us to sin; temptation stems from our own selfish desires.
-As sin becomes a lifestyle choice and is unconfessed, the unrepentant person is separating themselves from God!
D. Our forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ leads to life everlasting!
(Romans 5:21, Philippians 2:8) Christ humbled himself by being obedient to the point of death...
-Christ took on death without sinning!
-We can deal with all our sin by confessing (speaking it to God) and repenting (turning from it).
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Welcome John Armour!
John Armour Fitzgerald Kuckel was born February 25, 2012. At birth, he was our biggest baby yet weighing 9 lbs, 13 oz and measuring 22 inches. I thank friends and family for prayers and support. Other than my water breaking at the dining room table, it was a relatively easy and uneventful delivery! He was born at 10:10 pm, an hour and a half after arriving at the birth center. God is good!
Here are some photos to enjoy.

Sunday, January 1, 2012
Wagon Fun
I finally got the kids outside for some "planned" pics. It is strange how difficult it is to get these. So, I am very thankful for the saved moments! Happy New Year!
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