At this point, 5 days after his birth, David Andrew is doing great. There were some initial complications, though, that had him being transported to the Greenville Memorial NICU on day two. At birth, he had a true knot in his cord which was itself wrapped twice around his neck. In addition, the stress must have brought on the meconium in the amniotic fluid. Amazingly, by the grace of God, he was able to be born naturally and quickly. He was well-suctioned and seemed to be adjusting just fine to life on the outside.
We are so thankful for friends and family who have shown such support to pray, bring meals, send notes and flowers, and even visit-- like my dear friend Tina in the picture above. We also enjoyed visits on Sunday from my mom, dad, sisters, and brother and his family. David Andrew was discharged from the NICU on Thursday afternoon with no pneumonia! To God be the glory!
Here is Mike on baby's first day home!